Museums y arts

The building that houses the Museum of the Interoceanic Canal of Panama was built in 1874, like the Grand Hôtel by the Alsatian George Loew.

It was later bought by Count Ferdinand de Lesseps to install the offices of the Universal Company of the Interoceanic Canal; The New Canal Company operated here and was later sold to the United States together with the concession for the construction of the Panama Canal. In 1915, it was bought by Dr. Belisario Porras, President of Panama, and ministerial offices were installed. It was the headquarters of the Posts and Telegraphs and the mosaics with this name can be seen at the entrance of the building. In 1996, the Board of the Canal Museum rehabilitated the building to inaugurate the Museum of the Interoceanic Canal of Panama in 1997.
The Biomuseo or Museum of Biodiversity is a natural history museum that is located in Panama City. Its intention is to change the way we see, understand, and conserve nature and its biodiversity.

In its galleries the story of the emergence of the Isthmus of Panama is told 3 million years ago, and how that emergence united continents and divided seas, changing life on Earth.
The Bio museum is the only one of its kind in the entire region. Designed by the famous architect Frank Gehry, on his first foray into Latin America.
After being paralyzed on several occasions, in September 2009 it had reached an advance of 75% .1 On October 2, 2014, the Biomuseo opened its doors to the public with 5 of its 8 galleries. This first part of the history of the Permanent Exhibition tells us about the importance and evolution, natural and cultural, of the Isthmus of Panama. In May 2019, the last 3 permanent exhibitions are inaugurated, completing the construction of the original project.
Afroantillano Museum of Panama
The museum's mission is to spread the Antillean Culture. Highlight the participation of the Antillean group in the construction of the railroad, the French Canal, and the Panama Canal. Highlight the contributions to our national culture, and increase respect for ethnicity.

The museum is made up of the structure that housed the Church of the Christian Mission years ago and is built with wooden boards that cover its infrastructure, erected in 1910, it functioned as a shelter in times of disaster and ceased to function as a chapel around 1965. In 1980 the structure is chosen as a museum.
On one side of the museum is located the office and library that collects works on the history of Afro-Caribbean and Afro-colonial society, some of the publications are provided for consultation or for sale by SAAMAP.
It is an important area in Panama that people should go and learn about the history of Panama.